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Need a School Built

Under the Freedom Through Education program, Round Table India identifies needy schools for the underprivileged that are operating from dilapidated or open structures; schools that have land available but little resources to take up big-ticket expenditures like construction. It is here that Round Table India steps in and builds School Blocks with Amenities across India to help such efforts and hands over newly constructed quality school Blocks to the school bodies.

Our Invitation

We invite proposals from deserving and credible Schools for the underprivileged for the creation/enhancement of their infrastructure. This will help you achieve sustained growth and impact a larger number of children with a clean, hygienic, comfortable, and holistic educational environment.

Basic requirements/eligibility criteria

  • School should be run by Registered Trust/Society/Section 25 Company.
  • It should be a primary school (kindergarten to class VI/VII).
  • Schools should be secular and accept students of all caste, creeds, and religions.
  • Schools should provide free education or charge an extremely nominal fee for maintenance.
  • School Trust/Society should own the land on which infrastructure is to be built.
  • The school should be open to naming the new infrastructure for and provide adequate permanent branding to Round Table India and our principal donors.

The Process

  • You send us a proposal for school infrastructure.
  • We assign our local member chapter (Table) to carry out due diligence to assess the need and credibility.
  • The Table enters into an MOU with you for,
    • the use and maintenance of the new infrastructure;
    • adequate and permanent branding for Round Table India and our principal donors;
    • financial participation (normally we look at 50% financial participation by the school).
  • The Table supervises and executes construction with a panel of Architects, Civil Engineers, and Contractors. These agencies may be mutually finalized with the school.
  • The Table hands over the new facility/infrastructure to you for your use.
  • The Table obtains regular feedback from you on the progress of the school and assesses further needs if any.
For any queries, feel free to contact us:
Round Table India,
New No. 80, 3rd Floor, Nungambakkam High Road,
Chennai - 600034
044 - 28275760 / 28263862

    If you are a Donor looking for a CSR tie-up or looking to build a school under Round Table India Freedom through Education Project, feel free to contact us by filling out the below form:
    Fields marked with an asterisk* are required

    Round Table has more than 2300 clubs in more than 65 countries worldwide

    Round Table India in a Nutshell

    • Young Men's Club consists of Successful Businessmen and Professionals
    • Key Objective of Community Service focusing on Building Infrastructure for Education of Underprivileged Children
    • Key Opportunities for Members of Round Table India for Personal and Professional Growth and Networking

    Service through Fellowship

    Service through Fellowship is the lifeline of Round Table India. It is through the fellowship of young men that this organisation has served the community for many decades. Round Table India started its efforts in helping the community with small projects directed towards service. Over the years, we have grown from strength to strength, and today, we are building big projects and have moved over from community service to community development.


    The concept of the National Project for Round Table India was introduced in 1992. Since then, the Table has been involved in several community service projects, each with unique needs and concerns. Tablers have continually adapted and improved the way they address those needs. In 1998, Round Table India launched "Freedom Through Education" to provide basic infrastructure for primary education in rural India, reaching out to about one million children over a period of 10 years. Project FTE can be called the organisation's priority, and Round Table India has been addressing the needs at local and national levels.


    Round Table India is a platform that opens up to a world of diverse, valuable activities that helps you grow along with your community. To experience the many different facets of the Table itself, we welcome you to join the banter and pay off your part to the community.
    For any queries, feel free to contact us:
    Round Table India,
    New No. 80, 3rd Floor, Nungambakkam High Road,
    Chennai - 600034
    044 - 28275760 / 28263862

      If you are an individual looking to be a part of Round Table community, feel free to contact us by filling out the below form:
      Fields marked with an asterisk* are required